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Waste in Delhi
What is the current status of Municipal Waste Management in Delhi? Are there any cultural/historical legacies that can be traced in today’s MWM landscape in Delhi?
Being just 81 miles off the coast of China and expected to have the second highest number of cases, Taiwan has been praised by government and business leaders, media, and observers around the world for its relatively successful prevention and control efforts.
Tourism and Urban Branding in Kaohsiung
Following Western European countries, Taiwan has been facing dual crises of industry migration and de-industrialization. Kaohsiung has had to adapt to the effects on its economy from a production-heavy to a services-dominated one.
Waste in Kaohsiung
How has Kaohsiung transformed its waste management and recycling systems? What does the circular economy mean for the country?
Markets in Kaohsiung
In what ways has the arrival of supermarkets and hypermarkets influenced Kaohsiung? (i.e., the consumption habits of Kaohsiung residents and traditional “wet” markets”) What explains the survival of traditional markets?
As of May 15, 2020, there have been 11,018 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 260 deaths in South Korea. The first confirmed case in the nation dates back to January 20.