Recent Posts

  • Squatter Cities and Megacities Week

    Paris: Squatter City, Slum City

    Where do the poorest residents live in Paris? How did they get there?

  • Social Body Week

    Taipei: City as Social Body

    Who changes the meaning of an architectural site ? How does a structure acquire a new meaning or significance? Who initiates protest, and how is protest involved in changing meaning?

  • Natural Disaster and Disease Week

    Taipei and Disease

    What diseases afflicted Taipei? How does disease affect the dynamics between groups in heterogeneous populations? Does it redefine roles?

  • Ordered Universe Week

    Taipei: City as Ordered Universe

    What does Taipei’s grid represent? How and when did Taipei’s grid develop? Who developed it? How do “ordered” structure, lived experience, and power dynamics interact with one another in a historical setting?

  • Tourism and Urban Branding

    Tourism in Cairo

    Why are tourists drawn to Cairo? What do they see when they go and what are they directed to see by the industry?

  • Real Estate Week

    Cairo: City as Real Estate

    How does real estate development vary over the large area of the GCR (Greater Cairo Region?) How does tourism influence real estate markets?

  • Real Estate Week

    Nanjing: The City as Real Estate

    How have the location, size, and shape of architecture in Nanjing been determined by local and central state regulations? How have they been determined by the real estate market? How were the two related? What is the logic of chaiqian (demolition-relocation)?

  • War Week

    War in Nanjing

    How has war affected the history of Nanjing? How have memories of war been interpreted locally, nationally, and internationally?

  • Tourism and Urban Branding

    Tourism and Urban Branding in Dubai

    In what circumstances did facilities and entertainments for travelers first appear in Dubai? How has tourism affected the cityscape or local economy?

  • Ordered Universe Week

    Dubai: The City as Ordered Universe

    Does Dubai have a single overall plan? When was it made and with what aims? What does Dubai’s development illustrate about the city?
